
300g biscuits (the orginal recipe says digestives but I've tried hobnobs and I think they work better)

125g butter

75g golden syrup

75g dark chocolate

75g sultanas (I soaked them in Amaretto too...mmmmmmm)

100g dark chocolate melted

For the caramel layer

1 tbsp liquid glucose/ runny honey

100g caster sugar

150ml double cream

25g butter pinch of sea salt


1. Line a baking tin with greaseproof paper. Put half of the biscuits in a bowl and bash them until they are breadcrumbs. Break up the rest of the biscuits into little bits then add them to the bowl

2. Melt the 75g chocolate, butter and syrup in a pan. Pour this over the biscuits and then stir in with the sultanas. Spread this mixture into the tin and put it in the fridge.

3. To make the caramel, warm the glucose/ honey in a pan and stir in the sugar with 1 tsp water. Heat gently without stirring until the sugar has dissolved and turned a golden brown colour

4. Warm the cream in another pan/ microwave and set aside. Remove the caramel from the heat and carefully stir a third of the cream in (it might splutter so be careful). Mix together and then stir in the rest of the cream.

5. Stir in the butter and salt and bring it to the boil before removing the pan from the heat. Leave the caramel to cool and then pour it over the biscuit base. Place it in the fridge to cool.

6. Spread the melted chocolate over the set caramel and place it back in the fridge to cool but remember to cut it into pieces before it gets too hard.